Childrens Stories

A two year old little girl was taken from a life threatening situation with only the clothes she was wearing. She was given a C.U.D.D.L.E. Wellness Kit when she arrived at the D.E.S. center. She took her new things with her to a foster home, clinging to them as tightly as she could. The foster mom told us when she takes a bath they must lay right by the tub so she can see them. When she goes to bed, she holds the bag in one little hand and the quilt is wrapped around her. She wants to be prepared in case anyone come to get her and take her away again, so she holds tight to what now belongs to her.
-Susan, Foster Mom, Flagstaff, Arizona
One young lady, a teenager, related to her social worker that she especially appreciated the quilt as it was the first one that she had ever had that was hers alone. Her social worker also asked that I let you know that this girl has limited reading skills and was very excited to receive the Children’s Bible. In fact, during a recent trip she read aloud from it the entire trip.
-Ron Hawley, CPS Unit Supervisor, DES/ACYF Cottonwood, Arizona
Each month this office has an average of 54 children to care for. These children often come to us because of either an abusive or negligent situation. They are always frightened and frequently have no personal belongings. The quilts seem to provide a little security for them, something to call their own. Recently the quilts were given to 3 children who, unfortunately, are living apart from one another. When the children were given their quilts they were told that each of their siblings had a quilt too. Hopefully, their quilts will help comfort them, knowing that their brother and sisters also have one, Again, I would like to let you know how much these quilts are appreciated. C.U.D.D.L.E. Outreach is providing a great deal of happiness to the children of Arizona.
-Jeanne Anderson Sunda, Human Service Worker, Flagstaff, Arizona
Thank you very much for all the C.U.D.D.L.E. Wellness Kits you have sent us for our foster children. These kits make our children feel very special, and they have great big smiles on their faces instead of tears. The quilts we receive in the kits are beautiful. We know there is alot of love , alot of effort, and alot of time that goes into putting these C.U.D.D.L.E. Wellness Kits together. They are very much appreciated.
-The Prescott Valley CPS Office
Your recent donation of homemade quilts were a big hit with the residents from Aspen House, a home for adolescents. They asked that I made sure a thank you letter was given to you and your organization. Please know that through the generosity of groups and organizations like yours, the residents of Aspen House learn what it is to give.
-Shannon J. Smith, House Manager, Aspen House, Catholic Social Service

I want to thank you and the C.U.D.D.L.E. Outreach program for all the wonderful C.U.D.D.L.E. Wellness Kits that you have donated to our organization in the past. The bags were given to children who had to be removed from their homes and families do to safety/abuse issues. When a C.U.D.D.L.E. Wellness Kit was presented to a child, that child usually just latched onto the bag because they were told that this is something that now belonged to them and they get to take it to wherever they were being placed. Many of these children come into care with nothing but the clothing on their backs and the shoes on their feet. So being able to receive a C.U.D.D.L.E. Wellness Kit at this point of their lives was a great comfort to them. Also, during our big Rodeo/Chediski fire last year, we donated the C.U.D.D.L.E. Wellness Kits that were here in our office to the American Red Cross to give out to comfort children who were temporarily misplaced by the fire. I want to personally thank you and your organization for all that you are doing to bring comfort to these children in a time of need.
-Carol Holt, DCYF/DES Human Service Worker II, Lakeside, Arizona
I would like to thank everyone at C.U.D.D.L.E. Outreach for their generosity. We received the quilts you sent our office today. There was such a great response with the case workers here, wanting to give them to the foster children, that we have already run out! So, I was wondering if we could get more? We could use and additional 50 more if you have them.
-Jeanne Anderson HSW II, Child Protective Service, Flagstaff, Arizona
A young boy wrote a note to C.U.D.D.L.E. Outreach which came to us by way of the CPS case worker. This is what the note said, “Thank you for the blanket and the hygiene products and the dog. I will take good care of this stuff. I will use all the products. It’s great that people like you care for us kids and spends the time to do stuff like that for us.”
-Thanks, Dakota